DevLog 4: Starting Production

Start of production phase

This week our team got approved for and started the challenging process of production, which means that from now on, we will be working on the actual game itself! Hooray! 

We wrote down all of our tasks until completion, and our team got right on them, so let's take a look at what we managed to get done in this first week of proper production!




Our artists started working on the main characters of the game: Ribbie and Croakie! 

Based on a Character Sheet made ad hoc for them, we modeled them and started the process of rigging, so that we can later animate them:


We started making some progress on the arena itself as well. We first placed the platforms that players will be able to jump on according to the design we previously made and then we started blocking in with rough shapes the background and foreground to see what it will look like in the game:



Our programmers also worked really hard behind the scenes, setting everything up so that in the future we can implement more advanced things! 

The first thing they worked on is the basic movement and jumping, that will be the key feature of our game. The co-op functionality and the lucky clovers that spawn in a random position and can be picked up also got implemented:


As this is just the first week, all of this is still a work in progress, but some things are starting to be there already, while others are being set up for future implementation like the boss attack behavior, health bars for it and the player, and the platform layout that will change depending on which phase the boss is in.  

We are all very excited to keep working on the project and are looking forward to updating everyone on our progress in next week's devlog, until then! :D

Get [Group28]Ribbit Rampage

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